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What Is That Plant Taking Over My Yard? Microstegium And How To Manage It

Summer is a great time for gardens in North Carolina, but unfortunately it is also the time for Microstegium.  If you’ve noticed a grassy plant invading your garden in the last several weeks it could be Microstegium, commonly known as Japanese Stiltgrass.  Read on to learn more about this problematic plant.

Microstegium is a warm weather annual that shows up once the heat of summer has kicked in.  Growing quickly and spreading especially in unmaintained areas, this is a plant that can take over your yard. Hand weeding can help control Microstegium in small areas, and it is a fairly easy plant to pull.  I have also had some success in planting other aggressive plants (such as the native Ostrich Fern) in areas prone to Microstegium on my property.  While the Ostrich Fern doesn’t eradicate the Microstegium, it does provide some competition against this exotic invasive.

Check out the links below for advice from NC State on the management of this challenging weed:


Need help managing the spread of Microstegium on your property?  Contact Bright Leaf Landscaping at 919-619-4460 or fill out our online contact form. Design and installation are our expertise, and we are always happy to meet with new clients to discuss potential projects!