(919) 475-1015

How to Certify Your Wildlife Habitat

I spend a lot of time observing the wildlife in my yard. In 2015, my sister suggested I try to certify my garden as a wildlife habitat. Read on to learn about the four elements to a wildlife habitat and how to become certified.

NC Wildlife Federation Certified Wildlife Habitat Certificate and Sign Wildlife Habitat Certificate

I decided to check out the National Wildlife Federation website, completed their online application, and became certified. (https://www.nwf.org/Garden-for-Wildlife/Certify)

Provide Fruiting Plants and Bird Baths in your Garden

Birds in Wildlife Habitat

Four elements of a wildlife habitat include: food, water, cover, and places to raise young. Provide food with plants that have berries or seeds like Viburnum, Dogwood, Winterberry, Echinacea, and Rudbekia. I put out multiple birdbaths in different areas of my yard to provide a water source. These can be strategically placed for focal points in your garden.

Foxes and Deer are Now Raising their Young in My Durham Yard

Fox and Deer in Yard

A mix of plant types such as evergreen groundcovers and shrubs will offer coverage for animals. They can protect them from heat, cold, wind, and rain. Having a natural or wooded area that remains undisturbed can be beneficial for many animals looking for a place to live and raise young.

Interested in incorporating beneficial plants into your wildlife habitat? Contact Bright Leaf Landscaping at (919) 619-4460 or fill out our online contact form. Design and installation are our expertise, and we are always happy to meet with new clients to discuss potential projects!