(919) 475-1015

My Struggles with Native Plants

Many of my clients request native plants in their landscape designs. We have a wide variety of native plants in North Carolina that work well as landscape plants. Read on to learn about my struggles with native plants.

Non-Native Foundation Planting
Non-Native Foundation Planting

While I love and own many native plants, I struggle with incorporating too many into a design. The foundation is an area that I tend to go with non-native options. Foundation plantings require a more compact plant that can work with low porches and windows. Native shrubs tend to get large or have a more informal shape. They can sometimes be used at a house corner or to screen utilities.

Gaillardia Took Over My Perennial Bed

I also struggle with native perennials because they can be high maintenance. Wildflowers can be invasive overtime, especially in smaller gardens. During winter dormancy, they leave behind a barren look and weeds will pop up in that bed. I would suggest dedicating one manageable area for a wildflower garden.

Considering a native garden design? Contact Bright Leaf Landscaping at (919) 619-4460 or fill out our online contact form. Landscape design and installation are our expertise, and we are always happy to meet with new clients to discuss potential projects!